CK - City of Kimberley
CK stands for City of Kimberley
Here you will find, what does CK stand for in Government under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate City of Kimberley? City of Kimberley can be abbreviated as CK What does CK stand for? CK stands for City of Kimberley. What does City of Kimberley mean?City of Kimberley is an expansion of CK
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Alternative definitions of CK
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Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- CP Counseling and Psychotherapy
- CGL Connolly Gallagher LLP
- CSC Carroll Seating Company
- CUSD Coolidge Unified School District
- CBNC Coral Bay Nickel Corporation
- CCZ The County Court of Zagreb
- CMC The Canadian Music Centre
- CSG Cornerstone Solutions Group
- CSBH Copper Springs Behavioral Hospital
- CCPS Crossroads College Preparatory School
- CBICI CBI Consulting Inc.
- CDSGC CDS Global Canada
- CR City of Rawlins
- COP The Co-Operative Party
- CWM Cascadia Wealth Management
- CCKSA Construction Company in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- CHAI Chapin Home for the Aging Inc